Summer is here. The days are longer, and the sun is hotter, making the urge to escape the heat strong. But before you crank up the AC and retreat indoors entirely, consider these tips to transform your  1-bed residential apartment into a cool and inviting summer oasis.

Embrace the Light and Air

Let There Be Light: When it’s super sunny outside, the light can make your apartment feel like an oven! But with the right curtains or blinds, you can let in some light without turning your place into a hotbox. Light coloured curtains are a great choice because they reflect the sun’s rays, helping to keep things cool. So, when you’re picking out curtains, think light and breezy to keep your 1 bed residential apartments feeling fresh even on the hottest days.Cross Ventilation is Your Friend: Letting the breeze flow through your apartment is like nature’s air conditioning! By opening windows on different sides, you create a refreshing cross breeze that can cool things down fast. Plus, if the evenings are cooler than the daytime, leaving your windows open at night can bring in some fresh, cool air for a comfortable sleep. So, next time you feel the heat rising, remember to open those windows and let nature do its thing to keep your place feeling cool and comfy.Ceiling Fan Magic: Ceiling fans are a must have in the summer. Make sure yours is spinning counter clockwise to push cool air down to where you are. And if you open windows too, it’s like a double dose of cooling power!

Cool Colour Scheme

Banish the Bold: Brighten up your  apartmentwith lighter colors to keep it cool. Dark colors can soak up heat and make your space feel hotter. Try using lighter fabrics and colors like sea foam green, sky blue, or lavender. They give a calm and peaceful feeling, which is perfect for hot days.Mirror on the Wall: Even small apartments can feel bigger and brighter! Just hang mirrors in the right spots. They reflect light, making your place feel more open and breezy. Plus, you might feel cooler too!  Thinking about a bigger space? Look for apartments with easy instalments. This lets you spread out the cost of moving to a new place with lots of natural light, making it feel open from the get-go. Easy payments can open the door to a brighter, airier apartment, perfect for using mirrors to create a truly spacious and comfy home.

Textile Transformation

Ditch the Down: Get rid of heavy winter blankets and switch to lighter ones for the summer. Look for bedding made from breathable fabrics like cotton or linen. And for those cooler summer nights, consider using natural fiber throws to stay cosy. With these changes, you’ll be ready to embrace the summer nights in comfort.Rugs Can Go Too: Thick, soft rugs can make your apartment feel hotter in the summer. Try using lighter rugs made from natural fibers like jute or sisal, or you could even take them away from busy parts of your home.

Plants for a Pop of Cool

Nature’s Air Purifiers: Adding plants to your 1 and 2-bed residential apartment not only makes it feel fresh but can also help keep it cooler. Plants like snake plants, spider plants, and peace lilies are great at cleaning the air and they do well in medium light.Bring the Outdoors In: Bringing plants inside yourapartment can make it feel more like the outdoors. Plant some herbs like mint or basil in pots. They not only look nice but you can also use them to make tasty drinks or meals in the summer.

Clever Kitchen Cooling

One-Pot Wonders: Forget about cooking on a hot stove! Try making one pot meals or grilling outside instead. Salads, sandwiches, and cold soups are all great options for summer meals that won’t make your place hotter.Let the Dishes Wait: Don’t rush to use the dishwasher right after eating. The heat it makes can make your place hotter. Wash dishes by hand with cool water, or just leave them to dry on their own overnight.

Lighten Up Your Evenings

Ditch the Incandescent Bulbs: Instead of using old-fashioned incandescent bulbs, try using LED ones instead. LED bulbs don’t give off as much heat and they use a lot less energy. This helps keep your apartment cooler and saves you money on your electricity bill.Candlelight Ambiance: Instead of using bright overhead lights, try softer and cooler lighting options. You can use string lights, fairy lights, or lamps placed in just the right spots to make your place feel cosy without making it too hot. Plus, these kinds of lights create a nice atmosphere for relaxing or hanging out with friends. So, dim those harsh lights and let the cosy vibes take over yourapartment.

Bonus Tip: Embrace Outdoor Living

If you have a balcony, patio, or rooftop, use it! Put up some fairy lights, add comfy chairs, and make a nice spot for relaxing under the stars on warm nights.

Don’t forget, making your 1-bed residential apartment comfy for summer doesn’t require major changes. Just try some of these easy tricks, and you can turn your place into a cool oasis and stay stylish while keeping cool at Amanah Residential Towers.